I was browsing the web in search of a look to do for today and I came accross this picture and I liked it a lot. I mean, what's not to like? She's wearing black eyeshadow: my most favortie eyeshadow in the whole world! And the Blue just adds a touch of color to it...
Here is my version of this look:
First, you need to apply an eye primer all over your lid.
Then you need to apply a black shadow base from the crease down, do not apply on the inner or outer corner of your eye.
Apply a very thin line of the same black shadow base under the lower lashes.
You are going to look something like this, but don't worry, it will get better, I promise!
Now we need to apply our eyeshadows:
Grab some black eyeshadow on a brush and...
...dab it on top of the black shadow base you applied before. I highly recommend you dab it on, black eyeshadow for some reason causes a lot of fall out, also, apply your concealer AFTER you do your eyes. I am using a bareminerals eye brush.
Next, using a small crease brush, I am using a Mac 219, grab the blue eyeshadow of your preference...
...and apply it to your crease, just like the picture below shows.
Now we need to blend all of those harsh lines. Using a blending brush grab some eyeshadow that's neutral in color, I use one that's close to my skin tone. Personalize the shadow to your own skin tone. I am using a Sigma SS217 brush.
Using "windshield wiping" motions blend in the colors in your crease until you see no more defined lines. Apply more black eyeshadow if needed.
Use any kind of brush you like to apply highlighter to your eyebrow bone. I am using a Sigma SS227.
Using the same brush you applied the blue to your crease, apply some blue eyeshadow under your lower lashes, like this:
We want the black shadow base we applied under the lashes to show some more, so use a small flat liner brush and apply black eyeshadow as close to the lower lashes as you can.
Apply any kind of black eyeliner on your top lids, again, really close to the lash line.
Apply eyeliner to your water line, mine is supposed to look blue but I guess I didn't use too much to show.
And finally, curl your lashes, apply a couple of coats of mascara on both top and bottom lashes.
And voila!!
I think I got pretty close to the look in the first picture. I hope you all like it. If you have any questions on the shadows I used, do let me know in the comment area.