All Cosmetics Wholesale is a website where you can find high end brand cosmetics for a fraction of the price that you would pay at a department store.
I came accross this website a long time ago when I was looking to buy Mac products for a cheaper price than sold at the Mac counters. It took me a long time to finally decide to buy from them, mainly because I didn't know if they really sold the "real" stuff.
So I watched a few reviews on youtube (there were only a few) and after going to the site over and over I finally decided to go for it.
Here is the stuff I bought from them:
First thing I will say about this site is that because it doesn't look as nicely put together as other makeup websites, such as, it is kind of harder to trust it, it might not be like that for everyone, but it is for me, first impressions do matter on my book!
After you get passed the looks of it and start deeply looking into it, they actually have a very nice selection of brand name products, they seem to run out of stuff fairly quick so you have to be diligent when looking for a specific product and buy it right away if you can.
When it comes to shipping, they use USPS for most of their orders and I was pleasantly surprised to get my products just 4 days after I ordered them.
As far as the products go, I can tell you that they are the real stuff. I am not really sure how exactly they afford to sell everything at such a low price but somehow they do. Some of my stuff came without a box (when this is to happen, it specifically says it on the description of the product before you buy it) but that doesn't mean that the quality of the product has been compromised in any way.
The prices are fairly low on most stuff. Some brands like Mac still have high prices but if you look really good every now and then you can find pretty good deals.
Here is a couple of examples of the prices this website offers:
YSL (Yves Saint Laurent) Powder for eyes $14.99 (Regular price $60.00)
Smashbox Desert Chic Kabuki Brush $8.99 (Regular price $28.99 or so)
Smashbox Photo primer $10.99 (regular price $20.00)
Urban Decay Deluxe Eyeshadow $7.99 (Regular price $18.00)
I won't post the prices for every single thing I bought, those examples just show you how low their prices are so needless to say I will be buying from them again and again.
There is only one things I was not pleased with: They don't list a phone number to contact them, if you have a question you will have to email them but besides that everything was pretty much perfect. I did email them to ask them a question and they answered promptly, so that was great.
This is the only one item that came damaged and I will email them about it and see what they say. I am pretty sure they mail all products inside the US with USPS insurance, so hopefully they'll be able to get me a new YSL color palette. I'll keep you all posted.
Over all I do recomend this webiste 100%. They are fast at shipping their products, offer great prices and they do sell real high end brands.