Friday, May 28, 2010

Going to bed with makeup on?? I don’t think so!

We all love looking great during the day, I mean, why else would we go through all the trouble of applying makeup on if not, right?! And that’s great but something that most of us girls don’t really pay too much attention to is how to care for your face at the end of the day, and that is equally or even more important.

We’ve all done it in the past, either because we are too tired or we just don’t care, but going to bed with makeup on is a big NO-NO. But “why?” you ask? Let’s think about it for a moment… Our skin is covered with millions of little pores everywhere, this pores absorb dirt, oils and makeup, when this happens our pores can’t “breathe” and that’s when we start breaking out. You will be less likely to have breakouts if you clean your face thoroughly every day. The fact of the matter is that your makeup will look a lot better if you apply it onto a healthy, clean surface.

But how to do it? You DON’T need high end products to keep a clean face, there are plenty of drugstore brands to choose from that are very inexpensive. Here are some tips that you might find helpful:

1st. Remove any heavy eye makeup with a cotton ball and eye makeup remover.
2nd. Wash your face with a mild soap. Pat dry.
3rd. Put some toner on a cotton ball and wipe your face with it. This will remove all the impurities that the makeup remover and the soap didn’t get.
4th. Apply a moisturizer on.

Now you are ready to go to bed with a clean and refreshed face.
* For all of you that are wondering: YES, I follow these steps everyday, twice a day.

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